Join Insider Threat expert, Jim Henderson from the Insider Threat Management Group and Nick Cavalancia from Techvangelism as they discuss:
- Identifying key stakeholders
- Defining an insider threat
- Defining your organization’s critical assets and vision for the insider threat program
- Securing executive buy-in and establishing responsibilities
- Developing tactical plans for implementing the program
- Standing up an insider threat program office and identifying an analytics tool to enhance detection capabilities
- Executing training and communication about the program

Nick Cavalancia
Chief Techvangelist
Nick Cavalancia has over 20 years of enterprise IT experience, 10 years as a tech marketing executive and is an accomplished technology writer, consultant, trainer, speaker, and columnist.

Jim Henderson
CEO - Insider Threat Defense
Mr. Henderson developed and teaches the highly sought after Insider Threat Program Development-Management Training Course, related training, and also provides Insider Threat Risk Management Services.
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