What is Premium Maintenance?

Premium Maintenance entitles you to:

  • Download our recorder updates for the latest software and operating system versions
  • Download our latest product releases, service packs, product and technical documentation
  • Work with our US-based Technical Support teams

Veriato has a dedicated team of developers working diligently to ensure the solution you invested your time and money in keeps pace with the constantly evolving cyber-landscape.


Why Do I Need Premium Maintenance?

As the complex environment that is your network changes and as new apps and services are introduced, the engine inside your Veriato product needs to be current. If you do not update your monitoring engine, you run the risk of losing visibility into activity of the people you are monitoring. Premium Maintenance includes the service updates that ensure your Veriato products remain capable of monitoring activity in the latest versions of applications, browsers, email, chat/IM services and more.

Premium Maintenance provides you with access to our technical support team, via phone or email, as well as access to our extensive online support resources. Most important, it is a subscription to our monitoring engine updates mentioned above.