“I began looking for a solution, I very quickly noticed Cerebral”, said Benov. “My main interest was what we could monitor with the program, and it can monitor a lot! And next (I was interested in) its reporting.”
Cerebral analyzes the monitored data, providing informative charts and drill-down details instantly. It was this powerful drill-down capability that illuminated use and abuse within IMV Projects.
Getting started with employee monitoring was easy for the team at IMV Projects.
According to Benov, installation and setup of Cerebral went smoothly.
“The Dashboard is easy to use, a good interface,” said Benov. “It’s straightforward, no training required, you can figure it out by yourself.” Benov feels that the comprehensive, ready-to-use reports within Cerebral provide him with all the information he requires. “I haven’t needed to customize any reports,” said Benov. “Those that come with the program have worked just fine.”
“Quick View essentially is a great shortcut to general reports,” continued Benov. “From Quick View, you can dig deeper if you see a trend. I really like that flexibility, a nice filter, easy to use, not the case with many other software programs. You can focus on groups of people, or a specific user. Also, you can focus on time periods, all of it is easy to specify.”
Since we were acquired by the Wood Group, security has been the main concern.
The Wood Group sees a comprehensive and complete security package as including a firewall, antivirus software, web filtering, and employee monitoring… with Veriato.

Insider Risk – How Prepared Are You?
Not every company is equally prepared to deal with insider risk. This report outlines the four stages of insider risk maturity and explores how to improve your insider risk preparedness.