The management team at Florida Commission on Human Relations, FCHR, had the suspicion that employee productivity was low, mostly as a result of internet misuse. After a management meeting discussing the potential problem, MIS Manager Fredrick Smith was asked to look at Employee Monitoring Software.
“We wanted to ensure employees were not abusing or misusing computer systems in our office,” said Smith.
FHCR reviewed three different monitoring software candidates, including Veriato. “I was familiar with Veriato, from computer lab work in college,” said Smith. “I remembered the product was powerful, and easy to use.” Ultimately, Cerebral, was the best employee activity monitoring software for FCHR.
“Cerebral monitoring technology, as well as service and support, stood out above the competitors.”
Installing Cerebral immediately confirmed FCHR suspicions of internet abuse and low productivity.
Cerebral showed us not only were our suspicions correct, the misuse was more widespread, and more severe, than we thought, said Smith. You just shake your head and wonder How could you not know to stay away from that kind of stuff?You could not imagine some of the things we found.
Smith said the FCHR has an internet usage policy, and it must be signed as a condition of employment. Additionally, all computers display a Logon Notice, making the existence of employee monitoring quite clear. Use of Cerebral fell right in place with our written policy, said Smith.
“Cerebral reminds employees that work computers are not private and are subject to monitoring.”
After the Cerebral presentation, numbers got better, productivity increased, said Smith. Employees became more conscious of their activity on the computer, Smith said the information presented by the Cerebral Dashboard is impressive.
From the Cerebral Dashboard, you have access to instant reports. It was easy to change the view using drop-downs, viewing different computer and internet activity. The ease of comparison is awesome,said Smith You can see the information across the board. I don’t have to manually do the calculations. I can just pull the report.

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Not every company is equally prepared to deal with insider risk. This report outlines the four stages of insider risk maturity and explores how to improve your insider risk preparedness.