Company News

Veriato, formerly known as SpectorSoft FAQ

By Veriato Team

Wondering how SpectorSoft changing to Veriato may affect you? See below for answers to questions that you may have.

Why is SpectorSoft changing its name?

Exciting changes have happened over the years – we have grown, improved our products and now focus solely on corporate solutions. We feel our new name better represents us.

Were you acquired?

No. The company has not been acquired, and there has been no change in control.

Will SpectorSoft’s products be changing?

Our product names are changing but the software itself will not change.
Spector 360 will now be Veriato 360<
Spector 360 Recon will now be Veriato Recon
Spector CNE Investigator will now be Veriato Investigator

Will I need to repurchase my software?

You will not need to repurchase your software. Nothing needs to change on your end.

Will I need to reinstall my software?

You will not need to reinstall your software. Nothing needs to change on your end.

Will my contract/pricing change?

Your agreement with us does not change once we become Veriato. It is a name change; the legal entity you are doing business with has not changed.

Do I need to do anything?

You do not need to do anything.


How Veriato Works

Veriato is endpoint-based, which ensures organizations have complete visibility into user behavior, regardless of application. By creating an audit trail that spans the entirety of a user’s activity – which includes application and resource usage, communications, web activity, and more – detection of threats (both analytics- and action-based), investigations, and contextual response is simplified.

A Holistic Security Strategy

User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) + User Activity Monitoring (UAM) + Data Breach Response (DBR)

Because you never know where an attack will come from, it’s critical that every endpoint is protected from both external and internal attacks.

Internal breaches can come from:

  • Accidental employee actions
  • Malicious employee actions
  • Former employees
  • Contractors
  • Business partners
  • External attacker posing as an insider (stolen credentials)
Insider Risk – How Prepared Are You?

Insider Risk – How Prepared Are You?

Not every company is equally prepared to deal with insider risk. This report outlines the four stages of insider risk maturity and explores how to improve your insider risk preparedness.

About the author

Veriato Team
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